I get my kicks untangling

I am an expert on issues of technology and society. I run Computer Says Maybe, advise public interest technology organisations, and facilitate particularly gnarly conversations.

Work with me

I get my kicks

untangling complexity.

I am an expert on issues of technology and society. I run Computer Says Maybe, advise public interest technology organisations, and facilitate particularly gnarly conversations.

I help people untangle complexity

Hi, I’m Alix. I am a sociotechnical expert and experienced facilitator who helps teams change their work and their world.

A few organizations I’ve worked with

If you are working on mission-driven technology issues, and you want an outstanding advisor to help you, I’m here.

I am not looking for clients, I’m looking for co-conspirators. People who have big ideas, and need help making their ideas come to life. I work with partners in 3 main ways: coaching, advising, and facilitation.  

Get in touch.

I’m here to help you accomplish big things with care.

Learn more about what I'm working on now and my background.

About me

What partners say

Alix is a person you seek out when the stakes are high. Among her many talents is the ability to cut through complexity with a calm mind and approach, a proactive attitude to problem-solving, and generally being a brilliant thought partner.”

Martin Tisné

CEO, AI Collaborative

I’ve worked with Alix on several projects, and every time she has been a phenomenal thought partner. She always takes the necessary time to prepare and orient to the problem at hand, and then finds ways to work through the problem, approaching it from a new angle, and drawing on her own expertise to make the problem tractable. Whether providing expert perspectives on technology and justice or tackling complex organizational challenges, Alix is an exciting and inspiring partner to work with.

Madeliene Elish

Senior Research Scientist, Google

In my 30 years of work, I've never seen a more skilled and intuitive facilitator than Alix. An event is a huge investment of time, money, and attention. Hiring Alix was the single best decision we made in support of a great return on that investment.

Jen Pahlka

Founder at Code for America and former Deputy CTO of the US Government

Alix understands the psychology that motivates individuals, the bureaucracies that guide and weigh down institutions. These multiple perspectives make her a deft leader and collaborator whether one-on-one or working within an established institution.

David Sasaki

Program Officer, Hewlett Foundation

Alix did a fabulous job helping us navigate a complex topic with a highly collaborative and productive process.

Lila Ibrahim

Chief Operating Officer, Deepmind